Saturday, May 14, 2011

They're Closer Than You Think

Apparently, Muppet fans, The Muppets are closer than we think. Yesterday some huge news broke on the front of The Muppets as the very first official teaser poster for the film was revealed on Ain't It Cool News (thanks to our friend James Carroll for linking us to it first) and subsequently swept the web, hitting, SlashFilm, and other big-name film sites. But enough talk... check out the OFFICIAL teaser poster for The Muppets!

And there you have it, Muppet fans. Gonzo, Fozzie, Kermit, Piggy, and Animal are here, and they're closer than we think. Here's some of my analysis of the poster...

What I Like
  • Love the use of characters. It's just Kermit, Fozzie, Piggy, Gonzo, and Animal stepping out. No Jason Segel, no Amy Adams, no Walter... it's The Muppets. I love it.
  • It's simple. And, as Jim always said, simple is good. This doesn't try to be anything more than the Muppets just being there to be seen.
  • The tagline is great. It's concise and sweet. It basically says the Muppets are here, the magic is here, the nostalgia is here, they've been here, and they're about to make themselves known once again. It's what we as Muppet fans have known all along... Disney is just confirming it for us.
  • The lighting, the posers, the logo...
What I Don't Like
  • The release date... it's still 192 days away!!
This is just the first of, I'm sure, many Muppet posters we'll be seeing in the coming months. And, between you and me, I've heard from a source that a trailer for The  Muppets is included in front of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, which comes out next Friday (May 20th). But... I've also heard from another source that there wasn't a trailer in front of the preview they saw. So... who really knows?

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier

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