Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Elmo Stays Up Late with Jimmy Fallon

I just love it when Muppets make talk show appearances. Especially Muppets that I love (even though that's all of them)--even more especially when Muppets that I love appear on talk shows that I love. This was very much the case last night when Elmo appeared on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Mr. Fallon is not afraid to showcase his immense Muppet love, and that was certainly apparent last night when he and Elmo basically just goofed around.

Check out the AWESOME appearance for yourself in the two video clips below from the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon website:

Also on the show last night was perennial Muppet favorite Whoopi Goldberg, who got to see her old friend Elmo again backstage. So... to conclude this post, I present this awesome picture:

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier

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