Friday, May 20, 2011

Muppet Fans Do Awesome Things on the Internet

So... I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides at midnight last night. My main goal, of course, was to see the trailer for The Muppets... but my hopes were shattered when the trailer was not included before the film at my local theater. Needless to say, disappointment doesn't begin to describe how I felt/feel... but then I got only and I started to feel a bit better. Why, you ask? Well... because Muppet fans are awesome. There's such a treasure trove of great, fan-created content on the web that I've been fortunate enough to have shared with me by Muppet fans. It never ceases to amaze me how talented Muppet fans are. I'm also really glad that they're willing to share said talent on the internet for everyone to see. So, while we wait for the Muppet trailer to hit YouTube, enjoy just some of the awesome Muppet fan things that hit the web recently.

Our new friend Ben Henry from The Baseball Card Blog emailed me last week with a link to his site where he features a bunch of customized baseball cards, including quite a few Muppet cards made by Travis Peterson. It's a really fun trip through America's pastime with Muppets on the iconic cards instead of baseball players. There's a lot of fun tid-bits Ben includes in his posts, so be sure to check out all of his Muppet cards for yourself! I especially like the Christopher Reeve card and the Scooter card, because it says "Snuffies" on it because that's a funny word.

Neil McNally from the website The Daily Deceased, which profiles notable persons daily who passed away on that date, emailed me yesterday with a link to the profile from May 16th which, of course, spotlighted Jim Henson. It's a nice little article and another way of remembering Jim 21 years later, which we should all do.

One very talented YouTube video maker took the time to edit together clips of Kermit and Piggy from the first three Muppet movies spliced over three songs including "I'm Gonna Always Love You" and music from the Beach Boys. The video is entitled "Warmth of the Next Love" and it's sweet, cute, and fun. Enjoy it!

Finally, our good friend and one of my personal favorite people, Dave Hulteen is now offering Custom Digital Puppet Illustration commissions. Essentially, Dave will draw you or someone you know as a puppet character with exagerated skin tones and features, much like the caricatures of myself, Joe Hennes, Ryan Roe, Steve Swanson, and Dave himself that you can see over at Trust me when I say that these are awesome and make a fantastic profile picture for your Facebook, Twitter, or where ever you kids socialize nowadays. Just take a look at this side by side comparison of me and the Hulteen caricature of me. Uncanny, no? No go forth and patronize!

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier

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