Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hi-Ho, Yo-Ho, a Pirate's Life for Kermit!

Late Saturday night, after I returned home from seeing Thor (great movie, highly recommended), I checked the tweets and noticed that our friends over at StitchKingdom.com, who were tweeting about the "black carpet" premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, tweeted a behind the scenes picture of Kermit the Frog as he seemingly interviewed celebrities for E! Television.

Well, it turned out to be much more than that and much more awesome than I could have imagined, as you'll see in the latest video from The Muppets Studio as we witness the Kermit-Cam on the Black Carpet! Our favorite frog interviews Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Peneolpe Cruz, Stephen Tyler, and more--oh, just watch for yourself...

But no matter how great all of those celebrities may be, the most exciting part for me came at the tail-end of the video as Kermit himself officially promoted this fall's The Muppets for the very first time. So... at least now we know from the frog himself that he is in the movie (duh). But this video was just a fun excuse to watch Kermit play around with those scalliwags at Disneyland... and maybe in less than 200 days we'll see Captain Jack Sparrow interviewing the Muppets at their premiere?

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier

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