Thursday, July 1, 2010

New Video on!

For the first time in quite awhile, a new video has been uploaded to the official Muppets website, The video features Kermit and Fozzie as the interact with "Skeep," a Muppet Whatnot from FAO Schwarz, whose performer was the winner of the Muppet Whatnot Fan Experience contest held a few months ago. It's a fun video and it's always great to see Muppet fans working with Muppets. (Have we ever seen that before?)

It's a fun little video, but unfortunately only available in the United States. Fear not, international fans, for it's not nearly as good as the Muppet YouTube videos we all love (and can all see).

If you're in the United States, head over to now and check out the new video for yourself!

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier

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