Monday, July 12, 2010

Muppet Fan's Muppet Collection Chronicle, Part 3

The Muppet Fan's Muppet Collection Chronicle
Part 3: The Collection of Ryan Dosier (part 1)

Today on The Muppet Mindset, I showcase the first part of my own Muppet collection. I've decided to photograph each part of my collection piece by piece, which has taken more time than I care to admit. The first part of my collection consists mostly of my Palisades Toys collection of Muppet action figures. There are far too many pictures to put in this one post, so I'll just showcase a few of my favorite pictures. All of the pictures are available to view on The Muppet Mindset's Photobucket account.

Well, those are my favorites! Be sure to check out all of the other pictures of my collection on The Muppet Mindset's Photobucket account--there's plenty to see! Thanks for reading and looking!

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier

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