Thursday, July 15, 2010

New Pages for the New Age

I spent a good part of last night creating a good number of new pages for The Muppet Mindset. I've collected all of our Muppet Comic Mondays reviews, Weekly Muppet Wednesday profiles, Sesame Street Saturdays articles, Interviews with Muppet people, and our other article series into various pages on the site. I think that it's a nice way to collect all of the series into one easy location and it makes for a slightly less cluttered main page as well.
We're still at work on the pages currently so at the moment they aren't in their complete finished state, but for now I thought it would be great to get you, the readers', opinions on the new design aspect. That's why I've created a poll on he right hand side of the site, just beneath the "Search This Blog" bar. So vote in the poll or comment on this post, Facebook, or Twitter and let us know what you think!

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier

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