Saturday, July 2, 2011

Best of Sesame Street Spoofs DVD Listing Revealed!

One of the DVD releases that I'm most excited for this year is the upcoming Best of Sesame Street Spoofs! DVD which will be released everywhere on July 5th (this Tuesday). This super exciting 2-Disc set features some of the best Sesame Street sketches spoofing popular television shows, movies, music, and more! And what's even more exciting is that Barnes and Noble has released a full scene index for the DVDs, showcasing which spoofs will be included in the set. Check out the full listing below!

Disc 1
  • Dragnet
  • King Minus
  • Here is Your Life: Oak Tree
  • Beat the Time: Cooke Monster
  • Count it Higher
  • Six Dollar Man
  • Born to Add
  • Family Food Game
  • Hey Food
  • Rebel L
  • Hill Street Twos
  • Gone With the Wind
  • High Twelve
  • King and I
  • Oooo-klahoma!
  • Casablanca Alphabet
  • Cereal Girl
  • Twin Beaks
  • Ronnie Trash
Disc 1 Bonus Spoofs
  • Beat the Time: Grover
  • Beat the Time: The Count
  • Beat the Time: Elmo
Disc 2
  • Colambo
  • Spaceship Surprise
  • Braid-Y-Bunch
  • Six Feet Under
  • Dr. Phil Meets Dr. Feel
  • 24
  • Desperate Houseplants
  • Law and Order: Special Letters Unit
  • Outrageous Makeover: Home Addition
  • A's Anatomy
  • GNN
  • RSI: Rhyme Scene Investigation
  • 30 Rocks
  • Pre-School Musical
  • Dirtiest Jobs
  • Mad Men
  • True Mud
  • The Closer
  • O Network
Disc 2 Bonus Spoofs
  • John and Kate Plus 8
  • Smell Like a Monster
See? Exciting, no? It even includes the unaired John and Kate Plus 8 parody that was withheld from broadcast and features The Count! Very cool. I know what I'll be buying on Tuesday! (And no, it's [hopefully] not balm for firework burn.)

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier,

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