Monday, June 6, 2011

Help Us, Muppet Fans! You're Our Only Hope!

Dear Muppet Fans,

We need your help! One of the main goals we have here at The Muppet Mindset is to provide you, the adoring public, with quality, hopefully daily, updates with Muppet news, articles, and what have you. Unfortunately, lately, time has not been on my side as summer vacation reaches its peak and I find myself with a social life and odd jobs. It has become increasingly harder to find time to write articles with so much going on... but I'm hoping that's where you will come in!

There is always an opportunity on the Mindset for fan contributions and every so often we like to remind our readers of that... so here is your reminder! Anyone is welcome to contribute, so if you've got something about the Muppets rattling around in your brain that you think would make a good read--write it down! Chances are, if you think it's interesting, other Muppet fans will too.

But what if you can't come up with an article? Well, we can help there too! We have a couple series of articles that we are always accepting new contributions to. Below is the list of recurring Mindset articles that are always awaiting new entries...

So... yeah! Plenty of ways for you to contribute. Write about your favorite Muppet character! Tell us how you became a Muppet fan! Show off your Muppet collection! Tell us about Muppet fandom in your area! Give us a try, I think you'll like us.

Once you've written your article, submit it in an email to Ryan Dosier at with the subject title: "Mindset Article: [Insert Title Here]"

As I said, we are happy to accept most articles, but we reserve the right to refuse and edit any article for length, content, or whatever. However, we're usually very lenient, so take a chance and send us an article! We'd love to have you!

Thanks Muppet fans! Hope to hear from a lot of you very soon!

~ Ryan Dosier

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier

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