Sunday, April 24, 2011

(Kind of) Weekly Muppet Quotes - Easter Edition

Casey Daron - Hello everyone! It's Casey on this wonderful Easter Sunday! This week I have compiled some memorable quotes from The Tale of a Bunny Picnic, in celebration of Easter! Bean Bunny is so cute, don't you think? Anyways, here are the quotes!

“I’m not Bean, I’m a nasty old owl who’s going to get you!” -Bean Bunny, A Tale of the Bunny Picnic
“I’m not really Bean, I’m not really Bean, I’m not really Bean! I’m a giant tree and that dog can’t get me!” –Bean Bunny, A Tale of the Bunny Picnic

 “Hello sunshine! Hello birds on the wing! Hello springtime, we’ve been living for spring!” –Bunnies, A Tale of the Bunny Picnic

“He says he’s a fire breathing dragon, and you ask me if he’s telling the truth!?” –Lugsy Bunny, A Tale of the Bunny Picnic

Thanks everybody, and Happy Easter!!!!

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier

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