"?" with Jarrod Fairclough
"Because Asking Questions Is A Good Way To Find Out Things"
Question: What is the Best Sesame Street Toy Out There?
I’m going to be an uncle for the very first time. My sister is currently pregnant, due in July, and I can’t wait to be an uncle. But I need some advice. And that leads to today’s question:
What is the best Sesame Street toy out there?
I’ve been put in charge of my niece's or nephew's Sesame experiences. It’s an honour I take pretty seriously, and I’ve already purchased a couple of things. One is a Big Bird bib I bought in New York when I was there last year. The other is called "Elmo Sit Me Up" seen here: http://dealsgoneinseconds.com.au/Babygoods/Sesame-Street-Elmo-Sit-Me-Up/prod_116.html
Until then, have a great day, I’m off to dance my cares away.
The soon to be Uncle Jarrod
The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier