Thursday, January 13, 2011

We Need Articles!

Greetings, Muppet fans! As you know, The Muppet Mindset updates daily. As you can imagine we often run out of things to talk about without the contributions of you, the Muppet fans. So... we would love to have your contributions! Have you ever had an idea that made you think, "Hey, this would make a perfect article on The Muppet Mindset"? Well, now you don't have to wonder! Just submit the article and we'll make it happen for you with an article here on the site.

For guidelines to submit and article series that are currently going on, please read the following information (heinously taken from our About Us page)...

We are always looking for contributors for our daily blog updates. If you would like to contribute to The Muppet Mindset, email Ryan Dosier at with your idea for an article.

We accept all kinds of article contributions based on the Muppets, Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock, and occasionally other Henson "universes" (The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Dinosaus, etc.) as well. We accept opinion articles, product reviews, whatever! However, we do reserve the right to refuse any article and edit any article as we see fit. If there are pictures you would like to include with your article, please submit those at the same time you submit your piece.

As well as accepting fan-created articles, we are currently taking submissions for the following series of Muppet Mindset articles:

 The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier

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