Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jason Segel Can't Stop Talking About The Muppets!

Greetings, Muppet fans! Are you getting tired of hearing Jason Segel talk about The Muppets? Good. There's really no way you could be! Currently, Segel is making the promotional rounds for the new Jack Black vehicle, Gulliver's Travels, in which Segel also stars. But, of course, they just can't stop Jason from talking about The Muppets every chance he gets. Especially on last night's Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, in which he went on and on about how immensely talented the Muppet performers are (which then gathered a huge round of applause). See for yourself below--and make sure you stay until the end to hear The Roots playing "Movin' Right Along" for Jason:

Even on the red carpet for Gulliver's Travels you can't stop Segel's talk about The Muppets, there he confirmed that Jack Black will be making appearances in The Muppets and Emily Blunt confirmed her own cameo appearance:

Also on the red carpet, Segel confirmed to Entertainment Weekly that Jack Black and Ricky Gervais will be making appearances in the movie and Jack Black even talked about his cameo with Entertainment Weekly as well. Dave Grohl, drummer for the Foo Fighters, has also been confirmed by IFC.com with a small part in the film.

Let's take a look at the confirmed list of super stars appearing alongside the Muppets in The Muppets shall we?
  • Jack Black
  • Ricky Gervais
  • Emily Blunt
  • Billy Crystal
  • Wanda Sykes
  • Rashida Jones
  • Chris Cooper
  • Dave Grohl
  • Alan Arkin
  • Zach Galifianakis 
  • Jean Claude Van-Damme
  • Mickey Rooney
  • Amy Adams
  • Jason Segel
I don't know about you, but I am beyond thrilled by all of this. These celebrities are in the top-tier of talented, funny, and fun. And Jason Segel could not be more excited about it either. He was literally on Jimmy Fallon for 30 seconds before he started talking about The Muppets. His dedication and passion and heart are what reassures me that this film will be magical and wonderful.

Now if only they could get a better title. The Muppets starring The Muppets? That's a little weak.

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier

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