Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Muppet Vault Goes Midwest

Greetings Muppet fans! Especially those Muppet fans who live in the Midwestern United States! Why you, you ask? Well, because The MuppetCast and The Muppet Mindset want you to attend the latest installment in The Muppet Vault series, "Christmas Festival," hosted by Steve Swanson of The MuppetCast and Ryan Dosier (that's me!) of The Muppet Mindset.

The fun begins on Sunday, December 12th at 2:00pm at Wild Goose Creative (near the Ohio State University campus) in Columbus, Ohio. We'll have screenings of classic Muppet Christmas material, Muppet trivia games, and lots of great Muppet prizes! Tickets to the event cost only $5 and, as always, fans of all ages are more than welcome! Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your mailman! Here's the official announcement on The MuppetCast... and see below for the official graphic for The Midwest Muppet Vault--be there!

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier

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