Friday, August 6, 2010

Complete Fraggle Rock Music Collection - Let's Make It Happen!!

I always get excited when I get an email in my inbox from a reader of the blog with an idea for an article, so you can imagine how excited I was when Matt Baker emailed me with an idea so awesome that it couldn't be restrained to just an article. What was Matt's idea, you ask? To start a push for The Jim Henson Company to release all of the incredible music from Fraggle Rock for public purchasing. Excited yet?

Well, if not yet, consider this: Last week, The Unhinged Knitter, a blog for knitting and knitting-related... things, started a group of polls asking Fraggle (and knitting) fans if they would be interested in a knitting book dedicated to Fraggle Rock. These polls, for a Fraggle Rock knitting book, have already garnered over 750 positive responses and The Jim Henson Company is fully behind the project. I ask you, Fraggle fans, what sort of response do you think an effort to release all of Fraggle Rock's music would receive? After all, who doesn't want a good quality version of "Dixie Wailin'" for their iPod?

There's only one way to find out! Below are five separate polls to gauge fan support of this proposition. Please, please take five minutes to cast your vote in each poll. Once enough support is garnered, I will pass along the data to my contacts within The Jim Henson Company and I have a good feeling that we might see something happen within the world of classic, wonderful Fraggle music. Come on, Fraggle fans, let's show what we can do when we band together for a noble cause! Let's get a Complete Fraggle Rock Music Collection released!

The polls will be open indefinitely and will remain on this page permanently after this post has disappeared from the front page.

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