Thursday, June 3, 2010

Charles Grodin Will NOT Be in The New Muppet Movie

As you surely remember (because this blog is totally all you think about), on Tuesday we confirmed that Uncle Deadly will be making an appearance in The Greatest Muppet Movie of All Time. Well, unfortunately, today we have to confirm some rather disappointing news: Charles Grodin, who brilliantly portrayed Nicky Holiday in The Great Muppet Caper, will not be appearing in the new film.

Multiple sources are confirming the news and it appears to be mostly due to Mr. Grodin's desire to continue his heavy volunteering lifestyle, helping many who desperately need it. The quote about turning down the Muppet movie is basically this in all sources,

“I just turned down the new Muppet movie,” Grodin told me Tuesday. “I was in The Great Muppet Caper and I think they are bringing back those of us still alive for a reprise. Jim Henson was dear to me but I’m not flying 6000 miles to Los Angeles to work one day."

So while Mr. Grodin's reasons for not wanting to make a cameo are completely understandable, it is a little disappointing that he won't be returning for The Greatest Muppet Movie of All Time. Thankfully, though, I doubt the movie will suffer too much from his absence, considering he would have most likely only been in the film for a few seconds (no offense, C.G.).

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier

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